This is my wish this 2012 year to you! I think back a year ago. I started a new chapter in my work life. Let me say that it has been challenging, but it also has been an adjustment year that will determine all the subsequent years upcoming.
I am thankful to be working for a company that is a Fortune 500 company, who strives to be in the top 100. Even though it is a corporation, it still considers the people who work for "it." It's not perfect, but it is by far more engaging and supportive than in the companies that I have work with/for in the past.
Last night, one of the managers decided to cook a turkey and ham, so we had a potluck Thanksgiving meal at work. It was really like a family working together. It's these small little things that no doubt makes working at this location special.
My Sunshine and I have been blessed with three visits--to San Francisco, CA; Outer Banks, NC, and SoCAL--outside our hometown. Two trips were to connect with friends and family, and the other one was to explore the USA. It's always been something that I wanted to do from growing up in Hawaii.
I am thankful to have a wife who puts up with me, a job who provides and blesses others to make a difference in other's lives, and a story to tell because I am made unique for a mission that sometimes I don't know what it is--but I will await for it to unfold before my eyes!