After finishing my shift at work early this morning, I read on my smartphone that Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum decided to suspend, essentially, drop out of the 2012 Presidential race. Santorum had 202 delegates, Mitt Romney led with 591, Newt Gingrich has 133, and Ron Paul has 27; any candidate needed 1144 needed to win the Republican nomination.
I am really disappointed about our nation. Because the selection of the candidates for the leader of our nation is down to two leaders for a little less than seven months: President Barack Obama -vs- Mitt Romney.
Let me admit that I am not really enthusiastic about this year's presidential election. Just like the last presidential election, it's a ho-hum type of competition--no one really to cheer and really campaign for. I just find it really hard to believe that out of all the people we have in our nation, these are the best two leaders with/without character, and the best ideas that we can put forth to get our nation out of the mess that we have all allowed!
---April 11, 2012 1:37pm